Blog Articles

How much should I have in my emergency fund?

How much should I have in my emergency fund?

It’s the most common story financial professionals hear. Unfortunately, too many people fail to set aside emergency savings to see them through life’s hiccups.So when the inevitable happens, and an unexpected bill arrives, they are put under pressure to find the funds...

Protect your estate from these mistakes

Protect your estate from these mistakes

You will most likely have clear ideas as to how you would like your hard-earned wealth – your ‘estate’ – to be divided amongst your loved ones or other beneficiaries.However, estate planning is a complex area of law and basic mistakes can see Wills declared invalid,...

Scattered super? Consolidate now!

Scattered super? Consolidate now!

I have to admit, I get a real buzz when I hear someone talking about not knowing what to do with their money.The buzz comes from the excitement I feel knowing that I can help them. It might be in some small way, but more often it’s enough to help make a major change...

Protect yourself and your future

Protect yourself and your future

Life can be full of unexpected turns, so it’s important to protect yourself and your family from whatever the future holds.Insurance provides peace of mind, giving you certainty your debts could be repaid and you could continue to maintain your lifestyle if you were...

Rebuild your Super

Rebuild your Super

Research has  found that the largest number of early super payments were made to Australians under age 40 with Australians under 30 receiving nearly one-third of these payments.The research also revealed that Coronavirus had a big impact on the retirement savings of...

Is your business your super?

Is your business your super?

Many self-employed people view the sale of their business as their retirement fund – their superannuation.So just like ensuring superannuation investments are being well managed, business owners need to plan ahead to ensure their business can continue to provide a...

8 common financial mistakes people make

8 common financial mistakes people make

Climbing the career ladder, perhaps buying a home and starting a family – the 30's & 40's are an exciting stage of life.However, the decisions made now can make a big difference to future financial wellbeing, and with so much going on it is understandable, even...

What is your most valuable asset?

What is your most valuable asset?

Is it a) your house, b) your superannuation, or c) your income?For most people, the answer is c). Without the ability to earn income we don’t have the money to pay the bills and save for the future. Financial security doesn’t just mean accumulating wealth but also...

3 retirement income strategies for you to consider

3 retirement income strategies for you to consider

One of the biggest misconceptions about retirement is that in order to have enough to last the distance, you need to have accumulated a significant amount during your working life.While this is in fact true, it's not the complete story. In addition to your super, you...