What does a good Financial Planner do?

by Apr 30, 2021Articles

Some people may think that a financial planner’s role is to forecast the direction of the share market from month to month and invest clients’ money accordingly.

This is not the reality, of course. Investments are only one small part of what your financial adviser can provide for you. Some of the key areas that we may be able to assist you with are as follows.

Knowledge is power

Consider for a moment the amount of websites, newsprint and broadcast time dedicated to financial topics these days. Australians seem to have an insatiable appetite for understanding finance.

Whether it’s the latest share market activity, economic news or the constantly changing tax and superannuation rules, we can answer your burning questions and save you the hassle of finding it yourself.

Money and time

Usually the benefit you receive from a financial adviser can be spelt out in dollar terms. It might be the income tax you have saved by re-structuring your salary, or a new concession from the Australian Tax Office (ATO) or Centrelink that you didn’t know you could get.

If you agree that time is money, then think about the time we save you when you make important decisions. If you had to do it all yourself, how would you choose the most appropriate super fund, investment options, or insurance cover? How frustrated would you be stuck on the phone trying to get regular information from government departments?

With all this confronting you, it’s no wonder that many important financial decisions stay in the “too-hard basket”. Remember, we deal with these things every day. We are in an ideal position to explain everything you need to know, and to simplify your options.

Client’s best interests

The finance section of your newspaper or online magazine probably includes a regular “advice” or “Q & A” column. By law, these columns must warn readers that the advice does not take into account your personal situation or needs and you should consider its appropriateness before acting.

In setting your financial strategy, we don’t use this “general advice warning” because we have taken the time to get to know you and your circumstances. This means that everything recommended to you—the investment portfolio, super contribution strategies, savings plans and insurance advice—is tailored to your personal needs, goals, and tolerance to risk.

As the years go by, your financial strategies will need adjusting due to changes in the broader environment or something closer to home. Whatever the case, we are here to help you make the most of the good times and the bad.

And meeting us for a review doesn’t always mean major changes, but at least you’ll know that you’re on the right track – and not having to do it alone.

Contact Fortress Planning

Get in touch to see how we could help you today.
T: 07 3506 8777  E: admin@fortressplanning.com.au

This document contains general advice only. You need to consider with your financial planner, your investment objectives, financial situation and your particular needs prior to making an investment decision. Futuro Financial Services Pty Ltd and its authorised representatives do not accept any liability for any errors or omissions of information supplied in this document except for liability under statute which cannot be excluded.”
The Trustee for Fortress Planning Unit Trust Pty Ltd, trading as Fortress Planning Australia is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Futuro Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 30 085 870 015, Australian Financial Services Licence 238478.